Welcome to the unofficial ComicGenesis Vs. System Project. This project is primarily an attempt to bring ComicGenesis authors together to collaborate and promote their comics in the form of trading cards. Secondarily, this offers fans of webcomics exposure to characters of other webcomics, an introduction to card games, and the chance to meet with one another to play friendly games with each other.

Obviously, these cards are not tournament legal. These are not official cards, and should not be sold for profit. Use them in friendly games only (if at all), and only with the agreement of all parties playing. This project is not intended to compete with or replace any Upper Deck product, and is not made with the premission or knowledge of Upper Deck Entertainment.

It's all about fun and heroes and webcomics. Please don't sue me.

General Vs. System Resources
Off-site resources
   Upper Deck Entertainment - Official homepage of the official makers of the official "Vs. System" card game.
   Vs System at Wikipedia - Offering history of and a keyword primer for expensions of the game to date.
   Vs. Realms - Features articles on the game and an interactive card search.
   Metagame.com - The near-difinitive unofficial guide to all things related to Vs. System.
Local resources
   Quick start guide - Crash course in how to play.
   Keyword guide - Not a comprehensive list of all keywords associated with the card game, but a brief listing of those used in this project.

Comic Genesis Vs. - Series One (CG1) Cardlist
Cards 001-023 - Features "Team Robman" characters from The Robman Show.
Cards 024-050 - Features the 1,000 Mark team, from A Better Life Than This.
Cards 051-073 - The Midwestsota Cabana, as shown here, comes from the webcomic The Green Avenger.
Cards 074-090 - The Mutant Bug Empire, as they appear in Active Stupor Heroes.
Cards 091-100 - Assorted unaligned characters and generic plot twists.

Want to help the project? (Or want to promote your comic or artwork?)